
Showing posts with the label Singapore


Just as every region or country has its own traditions and every village has its unique customs, each country has different beliefs, behaviours, and policies. When you visit another country, you may notice that some things are better than at home, while other things may be less convenient. This is natural, I think. When we arrived in Tokyo, we found it hard to find trash cans. Even before going, I had heard that it was difficult to find places to throw away trash and that people often had to carry it home. But I didn’t see people carrying trash bags around. I couldn’t find trash cans either. Yet, the city was clean, and I rarely saw street sweepers. I did see garbage trucks, though. This experience made me reflect on how we also don’t have many trash cans in Myanmar. Personally, I find it quite troublesome because even something as small as a tissue can be difficult to dispose of properly. My bag ends up filled with litter. Since trash cans are scarce, they accumulate. In Singapore, I

Food You Should Try in Singapore

Singapore, a vibrant city-state, is renowned for its rich culinary heritage, influenced by various cultures. This gastronomic diversity is best experienced through street food, where each dish tells a story of tradition, history, and unique flavours. Here are five must-try foods in Singapore. 1. Yong Tau Foo: A Mosaic of Flavors Taste and Ingredients: Yong Tau Foo, which translates to "stuffed tofu," is a versatile dish that allows your dinner or lunch to be customised. The dish typically includes a variety of vegetables, tofu, fish paste, and meats that are either deep-fried, boiled, or braised. These ingredients are served with a light, savoury broth and paired with dipping sauces like chilli and sweet bean paste. The taste is a delightful combination of the fresh, clean flavours of the vegetables and tofu, complemented by the rich umami of the broth and the piquancy of the sauces. Tradition and History: Originating from the Hakka Chinese community, Yong Tau Foo has evolved

How to order Singapore traditional coffee like a pro

Hey, Coffee lovers!!! If you are in Singapore now, just put aside Cappuccino, Mocha, or any other coffee you have drunk before, and try traditional coffee. It is easy to find out in the nearest food courts where your neighborhood.  There are many options, which are different tastes, to choose from that are related to your styles.  Then, they have their own name but not in English. They always used to give the names of foods and drinks in the interesting language mixed with Malay and Chinese. Coffee is known as Kopi; its origin is in the Chinese language but Malaysians also use it the same. Sometimes you can see Kopitiam, yes, that is a coffee shop as same as the food court.  Traditional Breakfast Set Explanations reveal in Bread Talk Ok, then, let’s see how the Kopi names and their respective tastes. 1. Kopi O Making with two ingredients, coffee powder and sugar, as same as black coffee. The taste is bitter added a bit sweet, and fresh.  2. Kopi O Kosong Kosong means nothing inside. Of

How to apply Schengen Visa in Singapore

Apart from Singaporeans and citizens of countries with visa-free agreements, citizens of small countries like me, Myanmar, still need to apply for a visa to visit Europe. It's called a Schengen Visa. The advantage of the Schengen Visa is that we can travel around every country, except the UK, in Europe by applying one time in a specific Embassy.  Firstly, we have to decide which embassy we should apply to. As every embassy has its own requirements, we have to check out the list carefully on each website. The most important thing in making the decision is which country you arrive at first.  For Instance, we must go French embassy website and book VFS Global for a biometric scan if our trip plan starts from there. As for me, I have booked at BLS International because my first arrival is in Rome, Italy.  Other necessary documents are as shown below. (1)    Employment Letter Sample of Employment Letter The Employment Letter is a recommendation letter from the current company. It must s

Important Things you must know before you go to Singapore

Singapore is a clean and safe city-state living in Discipline.  As a tourist, you need to know some small things not to break their law in public to enjoy the whole trip.  1. Do not throw any of your small trash incautiously. You can see plenty of dustbins anywhere in Singapore and do not hesitate to use them.  If not, both residents and visitors who break the law will be fine. 2. Do not spit on the road/platform/drainage You are not allowed to spit in the public area. The reason is to protect against any virus spreading and destroy cleanliness.   3. Queue anywhere If you go to any ticket booths, shopping centres, and even toilets, you must queue and avoid cutting the line. Of course, there is no fine at all but you may be looked down upon by their civilities.  Bike Stand Overhead Bridge Toolbox meeting at a construction site National Day Celebration Merina Bay Sand, a great architecture in Singapore 4. Stand on the left-hand side on the escalators According to Singapore culture, peopl

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